Instructions for beta-version

Two steps need to be performed to enable the testing:

  • Include a beta-version in your app

  • Enable debug logging ​

Include a beta-version in your app

​To deploy a beta-version using CocoaPods, you need to set the exact version string in your Podfile, like this: ​

pod 'YieldloveAdIntegration', '5.0.6-beta'

​Follow the Integration manual located at  to deploy the SDK. ​

Enable debug logging

​This version contains extended debug logging. To enable log collection you need to enable debug mode, like this: ​

Yieldlove.instance.enableDebug(isEnabled: true, userId: "app-user")

You need to set this only once in your app, before making ad requests. Pass a unique user id into userId parameter. ​ Pass the same user id into your Crashlytics by following these instructions: ​

For example in Swift:

let userId = "c28aa900-9b62-4f3b-b572-323fcb391cca" // generate unique id per user Crashlytics.crashlytics().setUserID(userId) Yieldlove.instance.enableDebug(isEnabled: true, userId: userId)

or in Objective-C:

NOTE: for the Objective-C implementation the optional parameters rollingFrequencySec and maximumNumberOfLogFiles cannot be skipped, those in the example are the defaults that also the Swift implementation uses​

What the logging feature does

​This beta-version contains a special feature that logs function calls made by the SDK. It uploads logs from user’s phone to an S3 bucket in regular time intervals. These logs contain the userId passed into Yieldlove.instance.enableDebug to enable to match the logs collected by the SDK to crash reports from Crashlytics. ​ This beta-version adds CocoaLumberjack/Swift and Zip dependencies to make the logging feature work. ​ The logging feature is only present in the beta version.