
Support only for interstitial ads

StroeerAdsPlugin javascript API

stroeerAds.init(applicationName: string): Promise<void> - initializes Yieldlove SDK, should be called as soon as possible stroeerAds.loadInterstitial(slotName: string): Promise<InterstitialAd> - loads ad based on slotName and saves it to loaded ads if no errors - Returns: - InterstitialAd show(): Promise<void> - will try to show ad (same behaviour as showInterstitial) id(): string - slotName of loaded ad - Throws - could throw general javascript Error - unexpected error during loading - failed to load ad because of "NO FILL" - Events: - adLoaded {adId: string} stroeerAds.showInterstitial(slotName: string): Promise<void> - looks for loaded ads based on slotName and shows it to user - Throws - could throw general javascript Error - Could not find ad for slot [slotName] - happens when ad is not loaded or was already shown and removed from loaded ads - Events - adShowed {adId: string} - when ad is shown to user - adImpression {adId: string} - when ad is shown to user - adShowFailed {adId: string, reason: string} - when showing ad was not successfull e.g. because was already shown - adClicked {adId: string} - when user clicked the ad - adDismissed {adId: string} - when ad was closed

Current API offers two ways how to load and show interstitial ad

Load → save reference → call show()

const ad = stroeerAds.loadInterstitial("interstitial") ... //Lot of stuff happens await //await not necessary if we do not want to catch errors

Load → listen to adLoaded event → call showInterstitial

document.addEventListener("adLoaded", function(event) { stroeerAds.showInterstitial(event.adId) }) stroeerAds.loadInterstitial("interstitial")