Fireplace Ad [Engl.]


Format concept

The Fireplace Ad is a very prominent advertising format which guarantees full attention for you and your message. The Fireplace Ad consists of a combination of the ads: Skyscraper left, Super banner and Skyscraper right.


The Skyscrapers dock to the Leaderboard from the side as standard. The standard delivery is with Sticky Skyscrapers.

File format

  • .gif / .jpg / .png
  • HTML5 as Iframe Redirect

  • network or theme channel rotation:
    • only HTML5 as Iframe Redirect

File size

File size:

  • The Fireplace Ad has to be delivered in three parts that can be put together (each as an independent creative).
  • It is not possible to use a single background graphic.
    • Superbanner: 970 x 90 pixels (standard)

    • Skyscraper left (docked to the Superbanner on the left): 120 x 600 pixels

    • Skyscraper right (docked to the Superbanner on the right): 120 x 600 pixels

  • For network and theme channel rotations the following should be noted:
    • Superbanner: 100% x 90 pixels
      • the width of the Superbanner must be 100% dynamic, as there are differences in the individual publisher page layouts.
      • Here it is important to note that the skyscrapers have a fixed size and should correlate with the dynamic Superbanner content. Because of the fact that the skyscrapers are sticky, they should be able to stand alone in terms of content. 

  • physically all 3 banners: 200 KB (incl. tracking)
    .gif / .jpg / .png: 
    200 KB
  • per redirect per banner: 150 KB initial load (incl. tracking) + 300 KB subload (incl. tracking)

Special features of Publisher

Overview publisher-individual sizes:

A list of the relevant publishers and sizes can bei found here.

In a network or theme channel rotation, the Superbanner may not have a fixed width, but must scale 100% dynamically in width.


Only physical ads or Iframe Redirects can be used.

Please note:

For the Ströer Regio News , only possible over the service provider Inskin.

Delivery of raw data only.

The actual ad will be created by the service provider.

For further information: /wiki/spaces/SDGPUBLIC/pages/54690242

Fireplace Ad:
The Fireplace Ad must be delivered in three parts that can be put together (each as a separate Creative). It is not possible to use a single background graphic. The dimensions below apply to the side docking of the Skyscrapers to the Leaderboard.

If the format is to be played out on a dynamic website, dynamic advertising media are required.

For network and theme channel rotations the following should be noted:

  • Superbanner: HTML5 (physical or redirect), must be 100% dynamically scaled in width

Background colour:
We also require the hexadecimal colour code for the optional colouring of the background (example: #000000). The color may not be white (#ffffff). A clickable background colour is not possible.

 General technical specifications and Tracking Guidelines


  • all trackings or redirects must be 100% SSL-compliant.
  • all ad tags/trackings to be used by us must contain the GDPR macros according to TCF v2.0 and all vendors used must be registered in the TCF v2.0 (Transparency and Consent Framework) of the IAB

Heavy Ad Interventions in Google Chrome

With Chrome 86, Google starts blocking ads that are resource-heavy and use an egregious amount of CPU or network bandwidth.
This happens as an reaction to consumers are increasingly frustrated with ads that disrupt their experience, interrupt content and slow browsing.

In order to avoid such a blockage of the creative we recommend to consider the restrictions/guidelines from Google:

 Ströer Tracking Guidelines... expand here

The Ströer specifications have moved to

Please find the most actual information and specifications regarding the Ströer Tracking Guidelines.

Click here:

Ströer Tracking Guidelines for advertisers and agencies on the use of trackings

1. Tracking in general

Up to five tracking pixels per creative have proven themselves as standard. This usually includes:

  • two tracking pixels for impression tracking (media agency and technical service provider)
  • a clickcommand
  • a viewability measurement (e.g. meetrics)
  • a market research pixel (e.g. GfK)

Ströer randomly checks the validity and amount of trackings. After prior consultation, a higher number of trackings can also be used.

All file sizes include all trackings.

2. personal data

Cookies and similar technologies which store and/or read out personal data on the user's device as well as further data processing must comply with the guidelines of the German Telemediengesetz, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and be listed on our vendor whitelist.

If there are any questions regarding the Ströer vendor list, please contact:

In particular (but not conclusively) the following types belong to it:

External tracking pixels, which analyze and record user behavior and, if desired, compare it with a downstream database on the customer side, must be explicitly released by Ströer before the start of a campaign. This includes any of the following pixel types:

  • Ad Verification (reading the environment)
  • Targeting quality (testing the effectiveness of the used targeting)
  • User profiling (collecting profile data)
  • Third party retargeting (re-targeting of users outside our network via external pixels)

3. tracking service providers (vendors)

All technical service providers (vendors) which will be used by agencies and advertisers must be registered in the TCF v2.0 (Transparency and Consent Framework) of the IAB and listed on our vendor whitelist.

If there are any questions regarding the Ströer vendor list, please contact:

4. Consent-Signaling for direct campaigns

For all cookies and similar technologies that are used in the context of the direct campaign on our portfolio, the necessary GDPR macros for the vendors used must be transmitted to us.

In order for us to be able to recognize/find these GDPR macros, we need to know at least 5 working days before start of a campaign how and where these GDPR macros will be implemented in the redirects, scripts, iframes and/or any other tracking.

All adtags/redirects/trackings to be used on our portfolio must contain these GDPR macros.

 Note:  Without this information we cannot ensure that direct campaigns can go live.

5. Counting differences

Counting differences in delivered ad impressions, caused by the selective filtering of an external tracking pixel (e.g. ad verification pixel), will not be acknowledged by Ströer or billed in Ströer's favor without prior consultation, unless they can be proven by a validated data basis.

6. Bundesdatenschutzgesetz BDSG

the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz BDSG must be observed in any case

7.  Further use of collected tracking data

The use of the collected tracking data is exclusively for the booked campaign and limited to the booked period in our network.

Any further use or sale of the data to third parties is prohibited.

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