
The specifications for online advertising, audio advertising and public video (audience based) are now available on stroeer.de.
For the link to the overall global specifications, please click here: https://www.stroeer.de/en/planning-booking/specifications/online-ads/stroeer-technical-global-specifications/

General information

Information on general specifications and delivery of ad material.


Technical specificationSpecifications
ProtocolAll components of the ad, especially tracking pixels and external ad-server systems (redirects), must be invoked using the HTTPS protocol. Using HTTP results in tracking differences.
LoadOn the side of the user, the presentation of the ad-media may not generate more than a 30% CPU load increase.
File size

The maximum file size of an ad takes into account all files related to the ad, including all common libraries (e.g.: jQuery, Adobe Edge). Calculation of the total size takes place following compression of all files through GZIP.

Additional information

RequestsThe maximum numbers of requests  are 15 for the Initial Load and 85 for the Sub Load.

This content may be launched only following interaction of the user with the ad. The user must be able to control the playback of this media at any given time using control elements in the ad.

Additional information

Expansion/interactionWhen using interactive and/or expanding surfaces in your ad, these may be launched only following interaction of the user with the ad. We will automatically include an easily visible Close button in your ad. 
GDPR Guidelines

In general we follow the technical specifications for the GDPR Transparency & Consent Framework

Examples for a general implementation (Javascript) :


FunctionalityPlease ensure that the creative redirects don't cause any javascript errors. For example 404 or synthax errors.
Heavy Ad Interventions in Google Chrome

With Chrome 86, Google starts blocking ads that are resource-heavy and use an egregious amount of CPU or network bandwidth.
This happens as an reaction to consumers are increasingly frustrated with ads that disrupt their experience, interrupt content and slow browsing.

In order to avoid such a blockage of the creative we recommend to consider the restrictions/guidelines from Google: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2020/05/heavy-ad-interventions

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Technical specificationSpecifications
Delivery timeframe3 days prior to start of the campaign
ProtocolHTTPS always required
Audio and video contentallowed, launch by user action only (MouseOver)
Expansion/interactionallowed, launch by user action only (MouseOver)
CPU loadmax. 30% increase in load

Deliver all ads to the following email addresses:

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Always include the following information in your email (including for follow-up questions and/or subsequent changes to ads):

  • Name of the advertiser
  • Name of the marketing campaign
  • Schedule of the campaign
  • Placement
  • DeepLinks / click URLs
  • Running time of individual ads if certain ads are not to be served throughout the entire duration of the campaign.

AcceptableAds is a programme of some AdBlocker providers that permits ads subject to specific quality guidelines and in spite of an AdBlocker being active.
The following information only applies if you have explicitly ordered a product that participates in the AcceptableAds programme.

Follow this link to learn more about the AcceptableAds programme.

Technical specificationSpecifications
Ad formatsOnly IAB Universal Ad Package +  HalfpageAd: Leaderboard, Skyscraper, Widesky, Medium Rectangle, Halfpage ad possible
animations/videosnot allowed, ads must be completely static (no moving images)
soundnot allowed
loading indicatornot allowed

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Media guidelines

Information on formatting guidelines of file sizes, HTML5, instream video.

File size

Technical specificationPurpose
max KB "Initial Load"see format specifications
max KB "Subload"2 x KB of "Initial Load"
max. KB "User Initiated Load"unlimited

Guidelines on the loading procedure

It is customary in the industry that all ads can use 3 points in time to load their files: "Initial Load", "Subload", "User Initiated Load".

At each of these points, the ad can load a limited amount of data. These limits depend on the format to be served, larger-scale formats have higher limits.
The purpose of these limits is to present the user with an initial, visible portion of the ad as soon as possible. "Heavy" images, videos, and interactive elements are not loaded until the website is fully available to the user.

All file sizes include all trackings.

Loading timeInformation
Initial Load

Can be executed immediately upon loading the ad.
Includes all files that the ad requires to ensure an initial graphical presentation parallel to the loading process of the website.

Until the hosting website sends the "DOMContentLoaded", all loading processes of an ad are considered part of the "Initial Load".
At this point, the ad can only execute requests for additional resources (images, JavaScript, tracking, etc.).


May be started one second (1000 ms) after the Browser Event "DOMContentLoaded" of the serving website (previously Polite Download).

Usually includes the main portion of the ad (complex animations and images, interactive elements).
The maximum file amount at this time is double the initial load (Initial Load x 2) and there is no limit on file requests.
User Initiated Load

This is defined as the time when the user interacts with the ad (touch, click, mouse-over).
An unlimited file amount may be loaded and there is no limit on file requests.

Videos and audio files are typically loaded at this time.
On mobile devices, note that the ISP typically provides a limited data connection. This connection should be burdened to the lowest possible degree.
The users whose connections are being burdened are your potential customers.

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Technical specificationSpecifications
FormatDelivery as index.html with complete HTML syntax (Doctype definitions, <head>, <body>, etc.).
ScriptsAdditional content (scripts, CSS, etc.) can be delivered in separate files. Optimise the number of additional files as far as possible and minimise each file. Each additional file loaded has an adverse effect on the performance indicators of your ad (decreased visibility, fewer clicks).
External resourcesWhen linking external resources, make sure that their servers permit cross-domain access. Additional information on cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) can be found here.

In order to avoid conflicts with other banners and the serving website, always use a name-prefix when defining CSS classes and element IDs.

Display orientationThe orientation of the displaying device should be considered, and the ad should be optimised for "landscape" and "portrait" orientation.

The tracking/counting of user actions (except for clicks) through separate server must be conducted by the ad producer.

If the IAS Tracking is used, the programming of the html document must pay attention to the implementation of IAS. The technical specifications of the IAS must be adhered to and we cannot assume any liability for their correctness.

Motion sensorsData from the motion and orientation of a mobile device may be read and used for the interaction of the ad but may not be used in a blocking capacity. Functions such as closing or minimising of ads should not be exclusively dependent on the motion of the device but must rather always be controllable through additional buttons / gestures.


Technical specificationNotes
PreparationPrior to loading JS libraries and frameworks (jQuery, ZeptoJS, etc.), you must check whether an instance of the framework has already been loaded and is active on the website.
FrameworkUse small, compact JS frameworks. Larger libraries such as jQuery are generally unnecessary and increase the data load of the ad.
Code sizeMinify your final JS code as far as possible. Use Minifier or similar tools so that your ad can be transmitted to the viewer as fast as possible.
VariablesGenerally, avoid using globally defined variables and functions and store these in a separate "namespace".
document.write()Using document.write() is not permitted. Ads using this method will be automatically blocked.
Mobile formatsFor mobile ad formats intended for display in an app we support the standardised  API MRAID (Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions) of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). For access to mobile device functions, e.g.: Creating a calendar entry, the device must be MRAID compatible.

Click measurement

You can measure clicks on your ad through the Ströer AdServer. To achieve this, a dynamic assignment of the link URLs must be enabled in the HTML5 ad.
You will find instructions for inserting the dynamic assignment, including code examples, in the public GIT repository of the Online Marketing Group (OVK) in the Federal Association for the Digital Economy (BVDW)

The instructions are supported by all German marketers. After the one-time integration, the click measurement works on all German websites with no further adjustments required.


When developing / testing your ad, you can simply pass the URL-encoded links (encodeURIComponent() ) to the call of your .html file.



Technical specificationSpecifications

Animations should be designed as resource-efficiently as possible. Avoid the overuse of transparency effects (opacity), or triggering "repaints" of a browser. See additional information on paint/repaint here.

GIFsRather than simply hiding them, completely remove unused GIFs (e.g. loading animation) from the HTML tree. Hidden animations continue to burden the browser.

Use the animation capacities of CSS3 (animation, keyframe, translate, etc.).

Do not, under any circumstances, use animations through JavaScript' s setInterval() or setTimeout().
As a rule, JavaScript animations should use the browser's requestAnimationFrame-API. See additional information on requestAnimationFrame() here.


Technical specificationSpecifications
Pixel densityTo display optimally on all devices, all images should be adjusted for HDPI. See additional information on screen sizes and pixel density here.
CompressionThe compression procedures/formats  progressive JPEG / progressive PNG and SVG are perfect for maintaining a low data load of the ad in spite of HDPI.
AmountUse the triggering of server requests for small images very sparingly. If you want to use numerous small image files (icons, logos), these should either be loaded as CSS sprites or stored directly in the HTML as DataURI.

In order to serve individual versions of images to the respectively correct device and/or at the respectively appropriate pixel density, we recommend using CSS3 image-set() or <img>'s srcset element (check browser support).


Mandatory information

Ads with video/audio content must, at any given time, include 3 well-visible and immediately clickable buttons (stylised or as text):

  • Stop
  • Pause/Play
  • Audio on/off
Technical specificationSpecifications

MP4, optional: WebM, and Ogg (see Browser Support https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_video.asp)

Frame rate25 FPS
Max. file size of a video

Click-to-play: max. 5 MB

Autoplay: max. 2,4 MB

IntegrationUse the video API of the browser to integrate videos.
Loading options

Version Click-to-play

Videos may only be started and played following a user action (clicking on a 'Play' button, swiping to expand the ad). The video file may only be downloaded when the user starts the video or when the 'subload of the ad' has been triggered. Automatic starting of the video without a clear action by the user is not permitted.


The video file may only be downloaded after the 'subload' of the advertisement has been triggered. The audio of the video must be set to 'Off' by default and may only be activated through user interaction.

Max. length of spotmax. 30 s
Repeated playbackVideo may be played a maximum of 2x.  Following that, the video must stop automatically.

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Instream video


Find information on the delivery of instream ads (pre-/mid-/post-roll) here.

A lead time of at least 5 business days prior to the delivery date of the ad applies.

The email for the ad delivery should include the following information:

Customer name, campaign name, campaign schedule, advertising medium, assignment of ads for individual placements and point of contact for questions.


Please note that if the delivery of ad content is delayed or does not meet the technical specifications, in order to achieve the contractually agreed goals Ströer Digital Media  reserves the right to delay the campaign by the number of days that the delivery was late.


Technical specificationSpecifications
DeliveryAs a video file or as 3rd party redirect via the VAST3.0 wrapper mechanics. When you provide a Redirect delivery, make sure that only a maximum of three redirects to subsequent AdServers are carried out.
Max. length of spot30 s for a Pre-Roll, Mid-Roll and Post-Roll, 6 Seconds for Bumper Ad 

The video material should start immediately in the first frame, empty frames at the beginning or end of the commercial are to be avoided.

Physical delivery for Pre-Roll, Mid-Roll, Post-Roll and Bumper Ad





1280x720 (CCIR601/DV PAL)

Frame Rate

25 or 30 Frames
Audio48 or 44 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo


Aspect Ratio16:9
Max. file size100 MB
Max length of spot6 Seconds for Bumper Ad and up to 30 Seconds for Pre-Roll, Mid-Roll and Post-Roll
SoundPlease observe loudness norm EBU R 128. The sound must be integrated in the video
PlaybackThe basic material should start immediately in the first frame; black images at the beginning or end of the commercial are not permitted.
Componentstracking pixel (no JS pixel) and click counters (Click Through Tracking Pixel)
NotePlease send a download link for files > 10 MB. When booking TubeOne, only 3rd-party trackings from certified partners (https://developers.google.com/third-party-ads/adwords-vendors?rd=1) may be used.

3rd-party delivery (VAST 3.0) as well as programmatic / real-time bidding on Ströer SSP for Pre-Roll, Mid-Roll, Post-Roll and Bumper Ad

Technical specificationSpecifications
FormatMP4 is mandatory, additionally optional:  MOV, WebM, MPEG (RTB bid responses must correspond to the MIME types displayed in the respective bid request)

Only VPAID JS upon request (please note that the range is limited when only a single VPAID format is delivered).

IMPORTANT: The ad video may not be superimposed on the controls within the video player. Ad videos (e.g. PreRolls) must always include clickable buttons with  Stop, Pause/Play, Audio on/off.
ProtocolDeliver trackings and media files secured and non-secured.

preferrably 640x360 (MEW / App) and 1280x720 (Desktop / CTV). Similar Resolutions are also possible. Please make sure to provide media files for different screen sizes as for smalle ones (MEW/APP) aswell as bor bi Screens (Desktop/CTV) 

Bit ratemin. 600 kbps to max. 2.000 kbps (MEW / App), min 1.000 kbps to max. 4.000 kbps (Desktop) an dmin. 4.000 kbps to max. 15.000 (CTV)
Max. length of spot30 seconds for Pre-Roll, Mid-Roll, Post-Roll and 6 seconds for Bumper Ad
Max. file size4 MB for Web Environments. 
Audio / soundPlease observe loudness norm EBU R 128. The sound must be integrated in the video.
Wrapper levelmax. 3
3rd-partyOn the basis of VAST 3.0 tag (Digital Video Ad Serving Template) via Doubleclick, Adform, Mediamind, Flashtalking, Adition etc. VAST guidelines according to IAB: www.iab.net

Delivery for Divimove (YouTube Artists) Pre-Roll and Bumper Ad

Technical specificationSpecifications
Files HostingPhysical upload from Stroeer or wrapper URL (only if hosting of creative in Google AdManager or YouTube)
FormatMP4 is mandatory, additionally optional:  MOV, WebM, MPEG (RTB bid responses must correspond to the MIME types displayed in the respective bid request)
ProtocolDeliver trackings and media files secured

preferrably 640x360 (MEW / App) and 1280x720 (Desktop / CTV). Similar Resolutions are also possible. Please make sure to provide media files for different screen sizes as for smalle ones (MEW/APP) aswell as bor bi Screens (Desktop/CTV) 

Bit ratemin. 600 kbps to max. 2.000 kbps (MEW / App), min 1.000 kbps to max. 4.000 kbps (Desktop) an dmin. 4.000 kbps to max. 15.000 (CTV)
Max. length of spot30 seconds for Pre-Roll, Mid-Roll, Post-Roll and 6 seconds for Bumper Ad
Max. file size4 MB for Web Environments. 
Tracking PixelsOnnly Google certificated third party providerws → currently: comScore, DoubleVerifiy, IAS, MOAT, Nielsen, Kantar, Research Now and Google (incl. Ad Manager)

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